Imani Ncube


Artist Statement

Imani is a singer, songwriter, and dancer whose work is a portal into her daydreams of peace, pleasure, and vitality for Black people. Through song, she conjures healing for herself, her ancestors, and her community. Music is how she remembers and finds her way back home when she is lost and confused. She is a beautiful Black woman, the oldest of four, a quiet rebel, a beam of sunshine, a believer, a creator, and lover of life. She is so excited to bring you to the water. You are invited to float alongside her in the warm shallow places, to dive with her into the dark blue depths, and/or to stay on the sand to soak up the sun.


Imani Ncube '21 is a dancer, singer/songwriter and music producer who is majoring in African and African-American studies. She will be releasing her debut EP as part of the CBPA fellowship. Imani’s artistic journey this year will entail strengthening her abilities as a music producer, creating visual art, as well as learning better how to promote her work. Imani grounds her work in community with other artists and through Hoodoo ritual.


nine: Healing Self and Lineage through Hoodoo and Music

nine cover

Project Description

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Recommendations by the Artist

  • Acoustic Soul by India.Arie
  • When I Get Home by Solange
  • Mojo Workin' by Katrina Hazzard-Donald
  • Jambalaya by Luisa Teish
  • Finding Soul on the Path of Orisa by Tobe Melora Correal